6 Ways to Make Bay Area Marketing Affordable


The price of Bay Area real estate is beyond the reach of many and it can make a person wonder if anything is affordable in this beautiful part of the country.

Fortunately, due to the global nature of online “real estate,” marketing your company on the Internet can be almost equally affordable if you’re living in Palo Alto or in Pakistan. Check out these low cost online marketing tools and strategies achat viagra non generique.


1. Content for your website

Content marketing is today’s holy grail of promoting your website and by extension your business. Anyone with a keyboard or a webcam can create content on the cheap. Of course there’s a caveat here: In today’s marketplace, you need to create good content.

However, high quality content doesn’t have to be expensive. You might have a budding writer on your staff already—try out the knowledgable employee who always has something funny and entertaining to say. Maybe your business lends itself well to video demonstrations. There’s probably someone in house who is pretty good at capturing and editing video.

And if you don’t have someone on your team who can provide content for your website, we can get it done for you without breaking the bank. It’s really a smart investment.


2. Content for someone else

Guest blogging for a popular site is one of the best ways to elevate the stature of your site and increase its traffic. You, or a member of your staff, writes an informative blog post that appears on another site. The post includes a link back to your company’s site.

I recently met a guy who has earned nearly $40,000 in sales of a single product from one guest blog he wrote. Further, although he wrote it a few years ago, it still sends traffic to his site.


3. Search Engine Optimization

You can’t leave potential clients’ ability to find your website up to chance. Your site needs to be developed and written in a way that gets your site the right placement within search results. Frankly, it doesn’t really cost any more to build a site with SEO in mind than it does just building it to look pretty.

Also, if you take the tip offered above and do some guest blogging for other sites, it will help with your search engine page placement.


4. Pay-per-click advertising

PPC advertising is probably the one invention that guaranteed the success of the Internet. It provides advertisers with a way to only pay for visits from people truly interested in what they are offering.

The same information you uncover when you optimize your site for search engines will pay off when you decide to create a budget for PPC ads. You can precisely target the search terms you are willing to pay for. And the better you understand your customers, the better you can hit your ideal prospect. This may involve keywords with a local element to them, which brings us to our next point:


5. Local directories

Now that most of us are walking around with small computers on our bodies almost 24/7, local searches are becoming dramatically more important and that’s why we’re seeing the creation of so many local directories and review sites.

Generally these don’t charge any fee to get listed. However, to make the best use of them, you can’t lose touch with your listings. You might need to occasionally update information or respond to something that’s been posted. Savvy businesspeople are finding ways to use sites like Yelp to promote themselves.


6. Social media

Social media, including Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and others, probably deserve a series of articles to themselves. For now we’ll just say that each of these has its own strengths that complement a variety of different business models. However, they are all the same in that they are essentially free to use.

As you realize, while all of these are low or no-cost, they do require time. If you need help with that, or would like more information on how to best leverage these and other online marketing tools, give us a call.